Sweet Lemon Project

The Sweet Lemon Project’s primary service is assisting the youth, teens, young adults, (active) US Military and veterans step into their greatness beyond their adverse experiences of being visually impaired, blind and or victims of domestic violence and abuse. Utilizing Various resources, support, mentorship, growth programs and volunteer services. Our organization facilitates a one-of-a-kind comprehensive educational experience, with a unique focus on real time interactive life coaching. Our goal is to provide a customized experience that will empower each individual to own their worth. Our programs are designed to guide participants through positive and sustainable transformations and self-actualization that are achievable.

Mission Statement

The Sweet Lemon Project is a multifaceted community support organization that supports the youth, teens, young adults, (active) Military and veterans that are visually impaired / blind and victims of domestic violence and abuse. By creating equitable solutions for those in need of support, resources and educational enrichment

Vision Statement

The Sweet Lemon Project seeks to create permanent and positive change in those impacted by domestic violence or inequities due to visual impairments, restoring their original intent of worthiness and love in themselves.


The Sweet Lemon Project was birthed out of a passion for helping people step into their greatness and create the life they deserve instead of accepting the life handed to them.

Value Statement

In all programs, services, initiatives, The Sweet Lemon Project will stand firm in its values:

A little more about us

The mentorship program allows participants to receive the one-on-one help they need. Mentors help the mentees set short and long-term goals, set healthy boundaries, create budgets, and develop other life skills from educational enrichment and career readiness to credit repair and health and wellness services. The volunteers are from various professions, Military,personal lawyers, counselors, family life educators, accountants, bankers, and social workers willing to assist mentees on their path to a bright future.

The Sweet Lemon Project hosts annual field trips, special events, biweekly weekly meetings/gatherings for participants to interact and build healthy relationships with others in the same stage of life. Every week may look different, but intentional teaching will constantly challenge and equip participants to live life limitlessly while embracing their worth. In addition, special occasions and events are incorporated regularly to experience complete transformative change, which may include all new experiences and ways of life for many. These supports empower participants and increase their self-esteem as they interact with an array of people in various settings.

Resource Sharing
The Sweet Lemon Project passes out food, supplies and products and other items such as clothing and home goods to assist participants in vulnerable situations. This is not to enable the participants but to make life easier while they get on their feet or sustain a new life. The resources offered are collected from donations and sponsorships. Furthermore, external referrals will be shared, especially in mental health, to ensure participants receive adequate professional support from mental health partners.

Goal Setting
The Sweet Lemon Project assists participants with setting attainable goals and holds them accountable for reaching those goals. The attainment of these goals is one way that the organization will monitor effectiveness. For example, some goals may include new career paths, financial independence, traveling, basic living skills or emotional and mental health targets.

There’s more than 200 million people in the world that are blind.
Unfortunately, in the eyes of the public countless people that are visually impaired and blind. Will remain non visible without consistent awareness, support and free programs that will assist in their efforts to become more inclusive in their personal and social life.

Every 15 seconds a victim of domestic violence and abuse life has become negatively impacted. Resulting in physical life threatening circumstances that can become fatal. These victims Include (active Military) and veterans that often feel forces to remain silent.

TSLP will continue to help cultivate and germinate seeds that are planted to help the growth of
innovative technology
legislation and laws.
That will;
protect, assist and serve those that are waiting to live life limitlessly without exclusion.

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